WICEN (Vic.) Inc. Committee of Management

Minutes, September 8th 2005 Meeting

Thursday September 8th 2005, 20:00
Venue: WIA Rooms, Ashburton

  1. Attendance: John 3BAF, Gerard 3GER, Gordon 3FGC, Mark 3XMU, Paul 3XDE, Paul 3YYF, Bruce 3UV, and Alan 3ML

  1. Apologies:

  2. Minutes of previous meeting.

    1. Motion:That the minutes of the meeting of August 2004, as amended, be received as true record.

      Moved Mark, 3FGC and seconded 3GER. Carried

  3. Business Arising from Minutes

  1. QRG Minimum equipment list - XMU – Tabled and on web site.

  2. Arm Bands - XMU – in hand

  3. Training Exercise/Field Day – UV – Suggest 3 location event.

  4. Insurance - FGC – XMU to complete

  5. CoM Attendance at Regional/Divisional meetings – XMU – Gipsland October – BAF/XMU to attend.

  6. Name Badges - GER - Pending

  7. Region 3 Meeting - FGC – SES rooms Bendigo approved. Date to be decided.

  8. First Aid Kits - FGC – In process of assembly.

  9. R5D1 portable repeater - 3XMU/3GER – To be tested by GER.

  10. Document Storage - 3XMU – JJB been in contact. Filing cabinets may be installed.

  11. HF/70cm Translator - 3BAF – to be worked in with trip to Japan. WICEN H/F radio at Bonnie Doon.

  12. Murray Adams farewell dinner - 3FGC – Thurs, 29th September, Zagames, 18:30 hrs. Supt. Rod Collins to take over.

  13. Y2K Equipment upgrade application - 3FGC – Waiting result.

  14. Email addresses - 3XMU – all OK

  1. Correspondence

    1. Incoming

    1. Outgoing

      1. Letter to ANSTAT re Emergency Management Manual Updates

      Motion That the incoming correspondence be received and outgoing mail be accepted.

      Moved 3XMU and seconded 3YYF – Carried

  1. Reports

  1. Treasurer - YYF –

Expenses $ To be notified

Income $ To be notified

Balance $15,847.43.

Concern expressed re cheques not yet presented – to be advised limit of cheque life.

  1. Radio - XDE – RoM as per last year. Bendigo repeater fixed. All equipment checked and re-instated as needed.

  2. Data - XMU - Nil

  3. Publications – XDE - Nil

  4. Training - XDE – as per training weekend. Start 10:00. BBQ BYO everything.

  5. Property - GPT – Review under way. 3ZR has generator from BAF. Possibly locate one in Gipsland. One more to be purchased – BAF to follow through approx. $800 – longest runtime. 500/750W

  6. Membership - Carol Tremellen – 11 new members, 3 resignations, 2 no reply Total 195

  7. Emergency Management Meetings - Tabled.

Motion that Emergency Management Reports be accepted Moved XMU, seconded FGC. Carried

  1. General Business

    1. BAF - St Johns – encourage involvement – Commonwealth Games. Appreciate WICEN operators involved in learning protocol etc. Suggest train the trainers course. End of September onwards. (Similar request from Derek McNeil for the Volunteer Coastguards – to talk to BAF.) Prepared to assist but not to loose WICEN hands.

    2. XMU – Re John Morrisy and masts. XMU to clarify – recommended to contact Jim Linton.

    3. RoM – suggestion from ML tabled. Overall pleased, more detail to follow.

    4. UV – Marathon still struggling for operators. Fuel rebates will increase.

    5. XDE RoM payments – method of “billing” for the donation – suggest reminder letter. Also potential increases for 2006 and 2007. Resolved that no intermediary to be used.

    6. XDE how to reimburse/recompense volunteers – 6m rigs? XDE follow up. $200/300 mark.

    7. YYF Account change over hassles. Requires new signatures.

Motion that , Andrew Weir be removed as a signatory and Paul Elvey added, resulting in the signatories being Mark Dods, John Kerr, Gordon Cornell, Gerard Werner, Paul Elvey. Proposed XMU seconded FGC. Carried.

  1. Next Meeting - Thursday October 6 2005