WICEN (Vic.) Inc. Committee of Management

Meeting Minutes

May 15th 2001 and Sunday May 20th 2001

WICEN (Vic.) Inc. Committee of Management

Minutes of Meeting

Tuesday May 15th 2001
Venue: WIA Rooms, Victory Blvd, Ashburton.

  1. Meeting opened 20:03 hrs.
  2. Attendance; 3BAF, 3XMU, 3ZNT & 3ML.
  3. Apologies; 3JM, 3KPU
  4. Motion: That the minutes of the last meeting, 17 April 2001, be accepted as amended
  5. Moved 3XMU/3JM. Carried.
  6. Matters arising
  7. Location of donated Icom Radios - Believed to be at Paul Engler's location. 3KPU to be asked to clarify the situation.
  8. SOPS changes. Deferred until June meeting
  9. Generator Log Books. Deferred until June meeting
  10. Non-Activations: Bright & Tanjil Bren. 3XMU stated that the situation will be explained at the forthcoming seminar. A response is awaited from Victoria Police. Recommendation that questions to Vic Pol be formulated for the seminar (3XMU). Leyland to be asked for an up-date and to furnish details of the Bright de-brief.
  11. Submission to WIA re Constitution Changes. Relevant changes have been made. Proposed alterations to the WICEN Constitution have been passed on to the Publications sub-Committee. Expressions of interest to be requested at forthcoming seminar.
  12. Mount Hickey Site Deferred until June meeting
  13. Correspondence
  14. Correspondence in:
  15. Report on Tanjil Bren "non-activation" from Chris Morley, 3KME
  16. Report on Bright "non-activation" from Leyland Sawyer. 2GBZ
  17. MDRC Newsletter
  18. Query from Public Officer re notification of ACA of training events (Email)
  19. Tax Invoice from Renta2Way portable radio - hire of equipment for JLL Challenge
  20. Australian Journal of Emergency Management Vol 16 No 1, Autumn 2001
  21. State Council agenda items from Carol Tremellen (Email)
  22. Community Aid Abroad - letter of thanks and contribution for participation in Walk Against Want
  23. NAB re $15,000 awards for volunteers
  24. Vodaphone account for $31.45
  25. Correspondence Out
  26. Letter to WIA re possible AGM constitution changes
  27. RCO's Bulletin (Email)
  28. Letter to State Emergency Response Officer (Murray Adams) re Bright "non-activation"
  29. Progress on Non-Activations to State Council email list
  30. Response on State Council agenda items to Carol Tremellen (Email)
  31. Request to 3JFK for website modifications
  32. Motion: That the correspondence be noted.
  33. Moved 3XMU/3ZNT Carried
  34. Matters arising from correspondence. Nil
  35. Treasurer's Report.
  36. Total Income to date $6,241.23
    Total Expenses to date $8,626.82
    Operating Deficit $2,385.59
    Balance at Bank $11,543.37
  37. Motion: That the Treasurer's Report be received.
  38. Moved 3JM/3BAF Carried
  39. Other Reports: Deferred until June meeting
  40. General Business
  41. Y2K Asset list for Victoria Police -Deferred until June meeting
  42. Stationery. Ordered - $123.20 for 1000 sheets.
  43. Motion: that $123.20 be authorised for stationery order
  44. Moved 3BAF/XMU Carried.
  45. RCOs & DCOs
  46. Seminar Programme - Police have agreed to attend and speak at the seminar.
  47. State Council Agenda.
  48. CoM Agenda
  49. CoM notified that David Waring will be applying for membership
  50. Clarification that 3FGC to remain as State Liaison Officer
  51. WICEN NSW brochure to be given to Publications sub-Committee for a Victorian equivalent to develop an equivalent for WICEN Victoria.
  52. Appreciation expressed for the exercise conducted by Paul Whittaker. Letter of appreciation to be sent 3XMU
  53. Following resignation of Brenda Edwards as Minutes Secretary for State Council. Joan McDonell has offered to stand-in.
  54. Next Meeting May 20, 13.45 at Yarra Valley Grammar School.
  55. Meeting closed 21.15 hrs.

WICEN (Vic.) Inc. Committee of Management

Minutes of Meeting

Sunday May 20th 2001.
Venue: Yarra Valley Grammar School, Kalinda Rd, Ringwood.

  1. Meeting opened 14.24 hrs
  2. Attendance 3BAF, JM, XMU, ZNT & ML
  3. Also present State Council reps. 3ZR, KPU, GPT, FJB, KME, JJB & BXG.
  4. Apologies
  5. Motion: That the minutes of the last meeting, 15 May 2001, be accepted as amended
  6. Moved 3XMU/3JM. Carried
  7. Business Arising from Minutes
  8. Correspondence
  9. Correspondence in
  10. Leyland Sawyer - re Bright - covered in seminar 19 May 2000
  11. Expense acc. John Weir
  12. Expense acc - Carol Tremellen - phone calls
  13. C & R Printing - receipt
  14. Correspondence out.
  15. Congratulatory letter to Paul Whittaker Operation Black Spot
  16. Motion that the inwards correspondence be received and outwards be confirmed
  17. Moved 3XMU/KPU. Carried
  18. Business Arising from Correspondence -
  19. Hard copy letter to Paul Whittaker - Action 3XMU
  20. Reports
  21. Treasurers Report - as tabled and accepted 15 May 2001
  22. Data Communications Subcommittee Report
  23. State Data Network
  24. Kinglake digipeater. Need batteries, gell cell charger, antenna feed line and antenna - required for Rally of Melbourne
  25. Mt Buller completed, now awaiting licensing
  26. Mt Buninyong under construction
  27. Revising WAPS.
  28. Revising WICEN packet headers
  29. Paul working on station net deviation measuring device.
  30. TRACK software progressing - connectionless packet communications.
  31. Motion: That a battery be relased from Moorabin store and a gell cell charger be purchased
  32. Moved 3BAF/JM. Carried
  33. Radio Officer's Report - as per State Council
  34. Publications Sub-committee Report - as per Sate Council
  35. Membership Report - as per State Council
  36. Training Report - as per State Council
  37. General Business
  38. All event applications to go to SCO - Note to RCOs/DCOs
  39. Mast, guys (rope), antenna required for portable repeater. GPT has access to a mast at Bendigo. Mark Snr will fabricate carry case. Suggest $120 dipole. 3ZR and GPT to organise.
  40. Motion That 3ZR arrange for the purchase of the necessary equipment up to $220.
  41. Moved 3BAF/3XMU Carried
  42. First report of event viability to be tabled at July SC Meeting (3ZR and Carrol Tremellen).
  43. 3BAF tabled draft proposal for WICEN leaflet to be given to Publications Sub Committee for further development. Eventual print order of about 3,000. This document will replace the old green sheet. A sponsor will be sought.
  44. Membership application received from John Patterson for David Waring VK3ANP
  45. Motion That the application be accepted and the membership records be adjusted accordingly
  46. Moved 3XMU/3BAF Carried
  47. Two additional members to be appointed to the Council of Management - to be decided at AGM.
  48. 3JM fore-shaddowed changes to claim forms for expenses. Costs are exceeding income.
  49. 3ZNT re Bright non-activation. 3XMU to write up a report following information from VicPol and will send to Leyland Sawyer for clarification.
  50. Request from 3GPT for 2 new 70cm repeaters with 2m patch. See item 5.1 May 15 Minutes
  51. 3JM indicated that his supply of shoulder badges is finished. 3BAF will check for supplies.
  52. Next Meeting Tuesday June 19th 2001, 20:00 hrs at WIA Rooms, Victory Blvd, Ashburton.
  53. Meeting closed 15:15