WICEN (Vic.) Inc. Committee of Management

March 2nd 2006 Meeting Minutes

Thursday March 2nd 2006, 8:00 pm,
Venue: ARV Rooms, 40G Victory Blvd Ashburton

  1. Attendance & Apologies
    • Apologies: VK3s ML, YYF
    • Attendance: VK3s BAF (Chair), FGC, XDE, UV, GER, XMU

  2. Minutes of previous meeting
    Moved: VK3XMU, Seconded: VK3BAF, Carried:
    That the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted

  3. Business Arising from Minutes
    1. Arm Bands - No Progress
    2. Name Badges - Produced, distribution underway.
    3. First Aid Kits - 3FGC
    4. Document Storage
    5. Y2K Equipment upgrade application - Verbal approval, awaiting written notification
    6. Generator - RCD & extension lead purchased. Jerry can still to be arranged.
    7. 6m Radio Bulk Purchase - 3XDE negotiating
    8. SMS facility - No progress
    9. Phone callout system - 3XMU to provide 3XDE with phone lists
    10. HF Antenna for MITS tower - First prototype not durable enough
    11. Bank account rationalisation - Online banking setup & accounts rationalised.
    12. WIA Affiliation - No Progress
    13. Property List - Hard copy provided
    14. Station at ARV Rooms - No progress
    15. WICEN Caravan - Exxon/Mobil grant discussed - will be more than $1000 grants
    16. Antennas for Seymour Police Station - 3FGC to raise with Rod Collins

  4. Correspondence
    1. Incoming
      • Email from Mark Cheeseman asking to adapt training material for use in NSW WICEN. - 3XMU to reply conveying permission
      • PO Box Renewal - $60
      • New registration sticker for MITS Trailer Reg P06528
      • WIA Affiliated Club Certificate
      • Invoice for Name badges (paid) $564
    2. Outgoing
      • Nil
    Moved: VK3XMU, Seconded: VK3GER, Carried:
    That the incoming correspondence be received.

  5. Reports
    1. Treasurer
      Period 02-02-2006 to 01-03-2006
      • Income $1252.00
      • Expenses $1340.81
      • Total cash on hand $14,249.20
      Murray Marathon finances to be entered in WICEN accounts
      Moved: VK3FGC, Seconded: VK3XMU, Carried:
      That the Treasurer's report be accepted
    2. Radio
    3. Data
    4. Publications
    5. Training - 3XMU
    6. Property
    7. Membership - Report from Carol Tremellen
    8. Emergency Management Meetings

  6. General Business
    • Slingshots for hoisting antennas: 3FGC to raise with Rod Collins
    • 3YD Vehicle accident. 3YD to pursue with his insurance company, advising them that there may be coverage under the State Government Volunteer scheme.
    • Caravan refurbishment: estimated at $3500. Too much for Exxon/Mobil grant
    • Dayglo vests - too expensive for WICEN to provide.
    • Possible new event for the Porsche club March 2007

  7. Next Meeting - Thursday April 6th 2006