WICEN (Vic.) Inc. Committee of Management

August 1st 2002 Meeting Minutes

Tueday August 1st 2002, 8:00 pm,
Venue: WIA Rooms, Victory Blvd Ashburton

Meeting commenced 8:00 pm

  1. Attendance & Apologies
    1. Attendance: VK3s BAF (Chair), GER, FGC, JM, XMU
    2. Apologies: VK3s AHD, ML

  2. Minutes of previous meeting
    • Moved: 3XMU, Seconded: 3JM, Carried
      That the minutes of the previous meeting are a true and correct record of that meeting.

  3. Business Arising from Minutes
    1. Publicity Brochure
      • 3FGC reported that he has received a verbal go-ahead from the Department of Justice to print the brochures

    2. Asset Register
      • Register with updated values received from Property Officer
      • 3JM reviewing values

    3. New Event Form
      • 2 draft forms received from Carol Tremellen
      • 3XMU to review

    4. Constitution Changes
      • Changes completed
      • New Constitution to be submitted to the Department of Fair Trading with the Annual Return

    5. Visits to Regions
      • 3FGC & 3XMU to visit Geelong
      • 3FGC to advise 3XMU of possible dates

    6. Field day
      • 3XMU reported that 5 members had registered there intention to attend
      • Agreed to postpone the Field Day until a later date

    7. UHF Repeaters
      • 2nd response received from Region 3 nominating John Bennets
      • Response received from Region 4 nominating Tony Sequeira
      • Verbal response from Region 2 nominating Tom George
      • Verbal response from Region 5 nominating Mark T. Dods

    8. Admin Procedures
      • In progress

    9. Storage & culling of records
      • 3FGC reported that DoJ is pursuing on our behalf.

    10. NAB Volunteer Awards material
      • Application submitted
      • No date for responses publicised

    11. Oxfam Trailwalker
      • In principal agreement letter sent
      • 3ZNT negotiating with Oxfam

    12. Murray Marathon
      • Graeme Mason agreed to be technical coordinator

  4. Correspondence
    1. Incoming
    2. Outgoing

  5. Reports
    1. Treasurer
      • Income - Expenses -$35.21
      • Cash at Bank $14,833.17

    2. Radio - No report

    3. Data
      1. Quarterly meeting this month (14-08-2002)
      2. Spare KPC4 TNC for cluster controller available for $100
        Agreed to purchase spare KPC4 TNC for $100

    4. Publications - No report

    5. Training - No report

    6. Property - No report

    7. Membership - No report

  6. General Business
    1. Swan Hill Repeater
      • Agreed that we do not want to take on the Swan Hill repeater
      • 3XMU to confirm with 3XDE

    2. Rally of Melbourne
      • Donation has not increased for many years
      • Agreed that as the RoM appears to be declining we will continue with $800 donation

  7. Next Meeting
    Thursday September 5th 2002, 8:00pm WIA Rooms, Victory Blvd Ashburton.